
After each of us dedicating two decades to serving in the US Air Force, we never expected that our most extraordinary adventure would unfold on the civilian front.

Together, we navigated the highs and lows of life, creating a tapestry of memories that rival the thrill of any Air Force mission. From spontaneous road trips to quiet moments of reflection, we discovered that love is a grand adventure in itself. Finding a partner to share the richness of life after years of service brought a new kind of fulfillment, and as we continue to make memories together, the skies of our shared experiences are as boundless as the horizons we once soared through in uniform.

Inspired by our shared love for creating lasting memories, we embarked on a transformative journey to turn our passion into something tangible and shareable. Recognizing the profound impact that cherished moments can have on one’s life, we decided to channel our creativity into a venture that could resonate with others. Together, we founded a business dedicated to crafting unique experiences and tangible keepsakes that encapsulate the essence of special moments.  Together, we founded a business dedicated to crafting unique items and tangible keepsakes that encapsulate the essence of special moments.  It became a labor of love, an endeavor that allowed us to contribute to the tapestry of memories for countless individuals, turning our shared passion into a legacy of joy and connection for others to savor and cherish.

Eric and Kelly Parrott